Property Advice Videos

In our property advice videos series, Natasha gives you expert guidance on all things buying property in Zambia. Together with her guests, she helps walk through many challenges and hurdles first time or repeat property owners go through. As you may know, the decisions you make when buying property in Zambia could save you or cost you a lot of money. Watch these property advice videos and let them help you in your property purchasing process.

Your home building journey made easier with Rivuuz

Embarking on a building project is an exciting journey!  But let’s be honest, it can be incredibly stressful, especially if you’re doing it from a distance.  To ensure a smoother process, teaming up with the right professionals is a must.  

When it comes to building in Zambia, most people would say that you basically have two options; you can hire an expensive contractor or you can manage the process on your own. What if you had a third option that would reduce the stress that comes with building back home?

State land vs Customary Land

People can own land in two ways; through a state lease where a person holds title deeds or through customary tenure where a chief grants a person the right to occupy a piece of land.

In this video, it’s state land Vs traditional land – which is better?

 Pros and Cons of Customary land

Approximately over 70% of land in Zambia is officially designated as customary land. I know this is something that interests many of you because I’ve gotten a lot of questions about traditional land.

So in today’s video I share the pros and cons of traditional or customary land.

The 2022 National Budget is in full force and effect!

But what does this mean for you if you’re a landlord and have rental properties back at home??  In today’s video, I talk about the tax changes that will affect your rental income. As we know, tax on rental income is nothing new. However, there are a few new changes I’ll share with you in this video.

So, if you’re a landlord or landlord to be, stay turned while i share the 8 things you need to know about the new tax regime and how it’ll affect you. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to buy land because “it’s in the bush”

You’re ready to buy a piece of land. You love the price point, payment terms, and most importantly, you see yourself and your family feeling at home on the property. However, you see the location and decide not to go ahead because you think “it’s in the bush.” In this property advice video, I’ll be helping you NOT to make this mistake. In this video you’ll find:

  • Examples of areas that were yesterday’s bush, and today’s thriving neighbourhoods
  • A real-life example of someone that turned down a property because they thought it was “in the bush” and regretted it after!
  • Examples of some properties that may appear as though they’re in the bush but are ALREADY seeing a growing community.

Council Rates on Your Property at Home Could be Going Up!

Do you already have property at home in Zambia? In this video I’m going to tell you why the local authority was visiting YOUR PROPERTY – I’ll tell you what you need to know about council rates and why their recent exercise may mean more money OUT of your pocket!

Steep penalties could be accumulating on your property

Do you have property back home in Zambia? Is your ground rent fully paid up? If not then you may be subject to STEEP penalties that have been introduced by Ministry of Lands.

Property Advice videos: 5 hot property sectors in Zambia’s Real Estate

In this property advice video I’ll give you the 5 top property sectors to look out for in Zambia in 2020. Many of these ideas will get you to look at the property sector a lot differently and will start making you look beyond Lusaka and the Copperbelt!

How to take control of your financial lives during Covid

Have you been stressing about money lately? Although I consider myself to be an optimistic person, I had some moments of fear in those early days, especially as the economy started shutting down here at home and around the world. How would I manage financially? That’s why I was happy to have this second chat with Chisha about how to take control of our finances during this unsettling period. Chisha’s a wealth and property expert and she gave some really practical tips in this property advice video about:
– Facing your fears
– Assessing your debts and ranking them
– Selling assets that are not generating income to reduce your liabilities

Property Advice Videos: How the Zambian Real Estate Market Performed in 2019

Are you interested to know the current state of the Zambian Real Estate market as we close out 2019? Then watch this property advice video and get the information you need to plan for 2020 and beyond!

Watch more videos in other collections

Apartments for Sale property video series property advice videos

Apartments for Sale

How to buy property back home Buying Property in Zambia Video series property advice videos

How to buy property back home

Buy Property in Zambia Property Video Series Properties in Zambia for Sale Property Advice videos

Properties in Zambia for Sale